The Tribal Lifestyle is one of the fastest-growing lifestyle's to create a heartfelt inspiring world.

"For me, the power of a Tribe, creates inspired initiators, mediators between the visible and the invisible, who develop access to ancient wisdom, are strong-willed and are curious about teachings and healing from different cultures to help others on their life path.

I' love to be in Tribe to divinely explore boundaries so that a difference can be made. " ~Coen Tuerlings

Tribal Coaching has its own form, character and dynamics. Tribal Coaching gives you access to the physical and the non-physical, between head and heart, between you and me and the world of the soul.

It gives you access to 'the knowing field' or as Carl Gustav Jung called it 'the collective unconscious'. 

A powerful Shamanic Training that enables you to discover and restore blockage in your flow of life.

Blockage in the flow of life leads to loss of energy, disharmony in the functioning of the body and unrestful thinking.

A powerful Shamanic Training that enables you to  influence the effect of resonant fields on the physical, emotional and mental being.

With the newly learned information from the training days, you restore blocking in your flow of life and even in difficult situations you keep your head cool and you can make a difference.

A powerful Shamanic Training that enables you to make valuable connections between the physical and the non-physical, between the head and the heart and the coherence of resonant fields in relationships.

Tribal Lifestyle